Your Story Deserves More Than just the surface.

Share who you are.

Let your life experiences, values, and aspirations shine.

What is ME?

Whether you are a business, or a creative, ME empowers individuals to express themselves beyond the limitations of a traditional social media by creating a personalized digital portfolio that tells your full story. Through sections dedicated to values, goals, and personal achievements, users can highlight who they are, what drives them, and where they’re headed. Whether through visuals, writing, or video, this platform allows users to present a complete picture of their unique journey—both personal and professional.

  • ME is for those who want to stand out and connect with people on a deeper level, whether it's for personal growth, career opportunities, or simply to share your journey with the world.

  • Personalized Website Creation

    • Tailored websites to showcase personality, skills, and achievements in a visually appealing way.

    • Options to include portfolios, testimonials, and personal stories.

    Videography Services

    • Professional video production to create compelling personal introduction videos.

    • Editing and scripting assistance to craft a memorable narrative.

    Visual Portfolio Design

    • Custom digital portfolios for creatives such as photographers, designers, and artists to showcase their work.

    • Integration with the personalized website for easy navigation.

    Content Creation Support

    • Professional writing services to help articulate career stories, values, and life goals.

    • Blog or journal integration for ongoing content creation.

    Social Media Integration

    • Link social media accounts to create a holistic view of the individual’s professional and personal presence.

    • Guidance on curating professional, yet authentic, content for platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram.

    Branding Consultation

    • Personal brand development services, including crafting a unique mission statement and tagline.

    • Guidance on choosing the right colors, fonts, and imagery to reflect personality.

    Photography and Visual Content Services

    • Professional headshots and lifestyle photography sessions.

    • Custom image curation for use on the personal website and social platforms.

    SEO and Analytics

    • Optimization of personal websites for search engines to increase visibility.

    • Analytics tracking to see who is visiting the site and how they engage with the content.

“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" - Steve jobs.